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Implant Procedures

A hole is prepared in the jaw bone in stages. An Implant is fitted and a healing cap inserted.

When the Implant has healed, the healing cap is exposed and an abutment inserted.

A crown is then fitted to the abutment.

When an implant is placed it can be some months before the new tooth is fitted.


A temporary denture can be made for cosmetic purposes. But the impact from the lower jaw can disturb the implant and affect the healing process.

As an alternative an adhesive bridge can be made which is fixed to the adjacent tooth.
This provides a tiny, but permanent gap between the tooth and the new implant.



Occasionally when an implant needs to be placed in the upper jaw there may not be sufficient bone between the mouth and your sinus. In such cases the placement of an implant is still possible but may require a procedure known as the sinus lift.

Sinuses are cavities inside the structure of our skull.

When we lose a tooth, the bone around the root area starts to recede. This can lead to the sinus expanding into the tooth root area. If you choose to have an Implant there may not be sufficient bone to support it.
Special material can be inserted to encourage bone re-growth and 'lift' the sinus.
Over time, the bone will re-grow providing enough bone to support the Implant.



Do you have a full denture?

A number of Implants may be used to secure a lower denture.

A hole is made in the jaw bone for each Implant. The Implant is positioned and a Healing Cap applied.
The gum is replaced while the bone recovers. Access to the Implant is made and the second part of the Implant is attached.
The bars are attached and tiny magnets in the denture then keep it securely in place